Migration to virtual
Alterity, a small privately held consultancy based in Glasgow, Scotland.
To support Alterity in moving their workshop and analysis processes from in-person to virtual delivery. Specifically using the online collaboration tool, MURAL.
What we did
We started by working with the Alterity team to understand their current delivery model. This included meeting with them virtually and sourcing existing material from their current delivery model.
We received written descriptions, screen shots, graphics and photos which we could use to build an understanding of their processes. This also gave us insight to the look and feel of their delivery style.
From there we created a series of simple MURALs to represent the stages of their process, so they could see where and how MURAL could be used at each stage.
We then hosted virtual session with the Alterity team to walk through each MURAL, introducing relevant tools and techniques at each stage. Everything was related back to their original workshop model so they could understand where and how to use MURAL.
Following this the Alterity team went on to do their own work in MURAL, with us acting as a go-to resource if they needed support.
We then had a follow up call where they shared what they had done, asked specific questions and receive guidance on more advanced features.
This was a successful piece of consultancy for an SME committed to transitioning to virtual delivery. Alterity were keen to modernise and deliver high quality virtual sessions for their clients, and together we developed an efficient and relevant way to upskill their team.